It was a beautiful spring day, warm and sunny, but not too hot. Just the kind of day you want for an outdoors event and the setting was perfect. One of our members loaned us their pool to hold the first Baptismal service for Heritage Christian Church and what a great place! The pool house was big enough to hold our Sunday service, the heated pool helped with the morning chill, and the patio area was ideal for the after-service meal and fellowship. There were a lot of hands involved, but we thank GOD for such an awesome day!
Besides the facilities, the generosity of our hosts and the wonderful setting, this was truly an awesome day for our new Church. Nine people were baptized after declaring their faith in JESUS! These precious souls obeyed the command “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 2:38 KJV) and they showed the world they are different! Many believers quietly accept the LORD JESUS, but never share this life changing event with the Church or the world! Baptism is a great witness to encourage fellow believers and reach the lost. Pictures on Facebook were strong witnesses and let family and friends rejoice in this victorious moment! Topping off this blessing, we partook in our first Communion as a congregation. It was extra special following the memorable service.
The great attendance for this service was a much-needed encouragement for our Pastor Bob and Sister Kathy. They began this Ministry in their home during the pandemic with a heart for Christian education and a burden for lost souls. With GOD’s provision and a handful of faithful members, Heritage Christian Ministries was born, which includes the Church and Christian School. Right from the start, the Gospel was preached to our congregation and was broadcast around the world via the internet. The school was well represented at the ACE Regional Student Conference, with students capturing many awards and the school receiving the Academic Achievement Award. All of this happened during a time when many schools remained closed due to the pandemic and Texas experienced record-setting cold and snow. GOD’s hand is on this ministry and this “Awesome Day” is just another way of confirming His presence.
All of this was made possible because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16 – 17 KJV). With GOD giving so much and JESUS giving His life to save ours, it’s “your reasonable service” to share this Good News with a lost and dying world.
These baptisms are victories, but not the end. Now they must renew their minds (Rom 12:2) in GOD’s word, so they can reach others! That is why Heritage Christian Ministries was founded and why they are training up children (Prov 22:6) and relying on the HOLY GHOST to lead, so we can be witnesses in Jerusalem (community), Judea (county/state), Samaria (country), and the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). That is why Sister Kathy (Pastor’s wife and School Teacher) exclaimed “What an awesome day!
Wayne Lance