Empty Seats

Last Wednesday night our Pastor said “I know you are not supposed to notice the empty seats, but it’s hard not to.” He mentioned that many Churches have stopped having Wednesday night services. I tried to encourage him by pointing out that most who do come on Wednesday nights are saved and are strong Christians. He wondered out loud why the Lord keeps giving him the same message to preach and I suggested that maybe we need to hear it until we get it.

Our Pastor preaches a strong faith message and a call to action that many people don’t want to hear these days. You don’t have to look back too far to understand that some of our people got the message. Each of those empty chairs has a history. People filled those seats when they were lost and hurting, when their marriage was in shambles, or they were looking for something more than religion; and some were addicted to alcohol or hooked on drugs. For some, this was their last hope. They had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and the Doctors had given up.

Yes they came, filled those empty seats and heard words of faith that gave them a glimmer of hope. Some were healed, others were delivered, but most importantly they found GOD. They heard that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16) and that JESUS said “Ye must be born again.” They were exposed to the HOLY SPIRIT and power. They heard about Pastor Moore’s own miracle healing and the ministry that was birthed from that healing. They were asked to come to the front for prayer. They found salvation when they accepted JESUS. The sick were anointed with oil, hands were laid on them and they were healed.

So where are those people who filled our seats and were so marvelously touched? Some have moved away and took their faith with them. Others are fulfilling the Great Commission to preach the Gospel in another place. One young man shares the Good News on television. Pastor Moore’s own son has two large Churches along the border and ministers on television and overseas. As years have passed some went to Heaven and are enjoying the ultimate fruits of this ministry.

Looking back at our victories encourage us to press on, but not all who once filled our seats are living in the power and victory they were offered. Some were delivered and returned to the sin that bound them. For others, they were healed and then went back to “their Church” where they are comfortable. They will show up again or call on our Pastor the next time, but won’t stay to help and support the ministry. It’s sad, but we have to encourage ourselves with the past victories and the promises of the future until GOD takes us home.

GOD must feel this way when people reject him. After the high price He paid to make a way of salvation, some just won’t accept it and others will fall by the way side. That doesn’t take away from the precious gift of salvation. There are seats reserved in Heaven for those who “GOD so loved.” And “he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish” but you must accept JESUS as your Savior or that seat GOD reserved for you will be empty.

Wayne Lance (2019)