A Problem With Math

When I hear celebrities verbally attacking the President, I see it as them having a problem with math. Why else would they take such a divisive political stand and risk angering a large percentage of their fan base? Yes, in Hollywood they are surrounded by those who viciously attack the President and may believe most of the world thinks like that. They might think it is advantageous to jump on the bandwagon, even with little understanding of the subject they are speaking on. They hope to read their script, accept the applause and receive positive reviews from the press, but they should have done the math.

Maybe math wasn’t their strong subject in school, along with government, history and economics. They’ve heard Clinton got more votes, but over 62 million people voted for Trump. Why would they go out of their way to alienate 60+ million potential fans? When you consider the positive polling since the election, they could be angering almost half the country. Ticket sales and advertisers pay their salary, so maybe they should have done the math first and then supported a less controversial cause.

Some sports figures have a bigger math problem. They disrespected the American Flag by kneeling during our National Anthem. I know they were protesting the treatment of black men by Police, but did they gain support by attacking revered symbols of our country, angering their audience and potential supporters? It would have been more effective to hire lawyers to stand up for the mistreated and possibly expose bad cops. Instead they hurt the very business that made them wealthy and dragged their sport into a divisive fight. The math just doesn’t add up, in fact they are subtracting support for their cause. Do the math and find a better way!

Another situation where the math doesn’t add up is when people don’t have time for GOD because they have to make a living. GOD is the one from whom all blessings flow! GOD owns “the cattle of a thousand hills” (Psa 50:10) and has the power to bless “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph 3:20 KJV). He uses gold for paving material and His gates are made of pearl (Rev 21:21) and He wants you to be your Father. Besides all of that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). That “living” is more than you can make!

The ultimate problem with math is when people won’t accept JESUS because they want to have a life! If they lived a wonderful life, filled with all this world has to offer, and lived for 100 years, it wouldn’t compare to Heaven! The “Eye hath not seen…the things which God hath prepared” (1 Cor 2:9 KJV). Most people don’t come close to such a wonderful life and yet they trade the certainty of Heaven for the uncertainty of a great life here. The problem with math is more evident in exchanging a brief period of this life for an eternity it Hell. That doesn’t add up and it gets worse as time passes. In the song Amazing Grace the chorus “when we’ve been there ten thousand years”…and continues with “we’ve no less days to sing GOD’s praise than when we first begun” doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of eternity. Eternity is just as long for people in Hell, but they are in “the lake of fire” (Rev 20:15 KJV). Do the math and accept JESUS as your Lord and Savior. Then the math is in your favor and you will get “a life” without end!

Wayne Lance (2019)