I wake up early on Sunday morning so I can check the news and post my stories on Facebook before the 30 minute drive to Church. I will set an alarm so Susan can get ready before her sisters arrive. They attend her sister’s Church, which is near our home, and will have lunch and do some shopping afterwards. My wife likes not having to leave the house early with me and sees it as her ministry to encourage her sisters.
Traffic will be light during my drive so I can pray on the way. When I arrive, our 89 year old Pastor will have the air conditioners running so the building will be comfortable for service. He will have swept the front of the Church and will be waiting for me, so he can go and get the mind of GOD (pray). Others will begin to arrive, with hugs and handshakes, because they are truly glad to be with their Christian family. Sister Barbara will bring Sister Gladys from the nursing home so she can enjoy the service she loves. Everyone will gather in a circle to pray for needs and for the upcoming service, then people will trickle in as the ushers, sound crew, choir and musicians prepare. People linger near the entrance, but find their seats as the service begins.
Our Worship Leader, choir and musicians will lead us in praise and worship, helping us focus on the LORD. As people “enter in” the HOLY SPIRIT has a chance to work. Offering is another opportunity to worship and put our trust in Him. One of our many singers will glorify GOD with a special, and then the children will be released to services that meet their needs.
As Pastor Moore begins to minister, the power of the HOLY SPIRIT seems to take thirty years off him. That aging man of GOD becomes a young lion, recalling testimonies in great detail and quoting scriptures before he can find them in the Bible. He preaches a powerful message and lets the WORD and SPIRIT change hearts and lives. His testimonies of miracle healings and raising the dead are witnesses that GOD still heals, delivers and restores. When Pastor Moore finishes the sermon it isn’t the end but the beginning.
After Pastor’s message and testimony, the anticipation grows for what GOD has planned. The hurting, the sick, and the lost and undone hear the word of faith and some will allow the HOLY SPIRIT to work in their hearts and they respond to the Pastor calling them to come forward for prayer. Pastor Moore listens to their need and asks if they are born again. Salvation is by far the highest priority (John 3:3) and that must be dealt with first. After that the elders will anoint them with oil and the congregation will join in the prayer of faith (John 5:14). Does it work? Yes and people even come from Churches that don’t believe to get their healing. Local Doctors have referred people to our Church for prayer when they have done all they can.
You don’t have to come to our Church to get healed, but you have to build up your faith somewhere. The HOLY SPIRIT will draw, but “he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb 11:6 KJV). Our Pastor was saved in his pickup while driving to work and he was healed after building up his faith reading the Bible. GOD has answered too many prayers for us to doubt! You have to believe and then you too can look forward to what the LORD will do in your heart and life!
Wayne Lance (2019)