The End

I saw a picture on the internet that has become all too familiar. Police cars and fire trucks are blocking the highway because of a serious accident. An ambulance shows there are injuries or worse. The caption warns people to avoid the area because the emergency responders are working a multi-car accident with injuries and fatalities.

The location grabs my attention, because I have family, friends and loved ones living and working in that area. Our Church is near there, where our grandchildren attend our Christian school. I look to see if I recognize the cars involved, then check the exact location along the highway. If I still have doubts, I call my daughter to see if everyone is ok. Thankfully my family is safe and I haven’t heard any bad news from my loved ones.

As for the people involved, I am sure they didn’t expect to be involved in an accident that day. They had other plans and were traveling somewhere with that in mind. Their destination may have been important, but now their priorities have changed. If they survived, they will have to recover physically, emotionally and perhaps financially. Who will take care of their family? Did their only vehicle just get destroyed? Will they be blamed for the mishap or are they entitled to compensation? Those questions will have to wait until they can take it all in.

For those who passed away and weren’t saved, they no longer have any doubts. They absolutely believe in JESUS and will bow before His throne. Not in victory, but to be judged for the sins JESUS died to take away. Their wretched condition is worse, because it didn’t have to be like that. They have no defense and know they deserve the punishment they will be given. They “shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev 21:8 KJV). We call it their end, but that horrible nightmare and torment will never end.

As for those who died and were saved, they have no doubts either. They are in the loving arms of JESUS. They accepted JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR and now have eternal life! GOD is keeping the promises they found in the Bible. They are blessed because of the sacrifice JESUS made so long ago on Calvary. Don’t worry about them. They are doing much more than fine. Hopefully their loved ones know they are saved and can rejoice with them in their victory. Yes they will miss them, but their tears shouldn’t be for those who are with JESUS, but for those who haven’t made it to the end yet.

So what should we learn from this tragedy? No matter what you think you have to do, your priority should be to accept JESUS before the end comes. You don’t know when your end will be and now “is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2 KJV) “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23 KJV). Because of your sin, you owe a debt that you can never pay, but a way out has been prepared at great cost. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Yes, JESUS paid your debt, but you must turn from you sin and accept Him as LORD and SAVIOR to claim that free gift. If you do, you will be victorious whether in life or death, because “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21 KJV).

Wayne Lance (2019)