It was shortly after New Years (2020), our economy was booming, and the year ahead looked good. We heard a new strain of the flu was spreading across China, but that always seems to happen to them. The Chinese suppressed the media and said they had it under control. Things didn’t go as planned and 10 million people were locked down to contain the disease. They didn’t act soon enough and thousands escaped the city before the lockdown, fearing their government’s brutality more than an unknown sickness. The Chinese tried to hide the real story, but details leaked out and panic began to set in. A highly contagious disease was spreading across the globe by people who didn’t know they were sick and won’t have symptoms for days. Worst of all, the Chinese weren’t sharing what they knew and wouldn’t let foreigners investigate for themselves.
We know how the story unfolded, world economies ground to a halt, fear and panic grew as daily reports of infection and death filled the news. Civil liberties were early casualties as mandatory lockdowns went into effect. How could this happen? Where were the reprisals against China for their criminal negligence? Surely this wannabe superpower would have to pay? People seemed to let it pass because China was also suffering. Defeating Trump was a higher priority for our politicians and the media, so he received more blame than Xi Jinping.
But what if it were an attack? That’s what the virus was developed for. Maybe it was! If so, it was the most successful attack in history. But we would make them pay dearly if they attacked us! What did it cost them? The loss of thousands of their people is a bargain when compared to nuclear or conventional warfare. But their economy took a big hit! The world economy took an even bigger hit, China’s unfair trade practices resumed, and with Trump gone, there’s nobody willing to stand up to them. Did you notice China returned to normal long before anyone?
Their attack reminds me of “the thief” who “cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10 KJV). He attacks us subtly so he won’t have to pay the price. As the Church fights over theological positions, the thief’s attacks make the pandemic look like child’s play. He uses the same tactics, letting us tear each other apart and sowing fear and doubt about the power GOD gave us. Anger, hatred, greed and division keep us from defending ourselves. We waste time on religion that won’t help as another day goes by and another 150,000 people pass into eternity. We can’t let someone else get the credit, so few find out JESUS is, “the way, which leadeth unto life” (Mat 7:14 KJV). Did anything change after the devastating attack? Surely the thief paid a heavy price? No! Nothing changed and the attack continues with no relief in sight! The thief and his soldiers are getting stronger and taking more territory!
But GOD loves everybody and “has the whole world in His hands” so He has to do something! He did! “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 KJV). Now we have to believe in JESUS and accept Him as our SAVIOR. Only then are we on GOD’s side. Then we renew our minds through reading the Bible, and obey by sharing the Gospel (Good News) with this defeated world! That is how we attack the enemy and bring souls to JESUS! Let’s do it!
Wayne Lance