You’ve heard from both sides and have begun to tune it all out. It seems like the campaign dragged on forever. Both sides promised so much, but will they be able to deliver? Their visions for the future are so different, but we can only see the results if you choose them. At this point you are ready to delete this post and move on with your life. After all, isn’t it too late? If you are reading this it’s not too late and this is a life changing decision. Yes it is your right to choose and only your own inaction can take that away. There have been so many sacrifices so you can have the chance and I implore you to listen one more time.
One side promises you the world if you choose them. Their promises seem too good to be true. Can they deliver? It seems like everybody who is anybody is on their side. Hollywood celebrities, professional sports figures and academics actively campaign for them and against the other side. They portray supporters of the other side as ignorant, uneducated and crazy. With most of the media backing that side, they have a certain amount of credibility. If it weren’t for the repeated failure of their ideas, blatant lies and distortions of the truth, you might believe them and go along with the crowd. Even some people from the other side have crossed over to support them. It’s your decision to make, but I ask you to consider both sides.
The other side has been under attack since day one, but has accomplished so much. They and their supporters have withstood withering attacks and yet they remain faithful. They have been accused of being intolerant, bigoted, racists and homophobic, but I haven’t seen that in their actions. They are said to be after money and power, but have sacrificed and given much more than they have gained. It makes you wonder why someone who has everything would go through so much for our benefit. The opposition is said to offer liberty, but they bind us while this side wants to set us free. The decision seems to be an easy one, but you have to make a choice. If you don’t make a choice before the deadline, it will be made for you.
You say, “They can’t do that!” Actually they can. The choice I’m talking about is living and dying in your sin or believing in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and being saved! One side comes to “steal, kill and destroy” but “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Note it says “whosoever believeth” will have “everlasting life.” Sadly, if you choose to follow the evil one or don’t choose at all, you will receive everlasting death. Your choice ends when you die. Choose JESUS and eternal life before it’s too late!
Wayne Lance (2020)