Looking Forward to the End!

Has this been a tough year or what? We all started out hoping 2020 would be a great year, but then came the pandemic. The government shut down our country and our booming economy came to a halt. People wondered how bad it could get as toilet paper and many other staples became scarce. Face masks were hard to find, but we were told we don’t need them until they said we had to wear them, or else. Our government started spending money they don’t have and most Churches closed their doors out of fear or when ordered. Could it get any worse?

A policeman was video recorded killing a black man and protests broke out across the nation. Most were peaceful, but some turned into riots that led to stealing, killing and destruction. Radical demands started coming out that threatened our economy, rule of law and even our democracy. Calls for defunding the Police gained some traction and several cities cut law enforcement budgets, even as crime skyrocketed. Protestors occupied part of one city and nightly riots ravaged another for months. It didn’t seem like it could get worse than that.

Our election couldn’t have come at a worse time. Radical policies took center stage as candidates promised to fix things if they were elected. It was scary to think that any of those candidates might get voted in. What was worse, the media blatantly took sides! They are supposed to report facts, but their bias grew worse as the election approached. The election passed and I was looking forward to this year ending, but now I know it can get worse.

There is an ending I am definitely looking forward to. My own! How can you say that? The virus recently claimed two people I know. One was a man who raised his children, sold his house and had bought a travel trailer so he could enjoy his golden years with his wife. His widow, family and friends are grieving his passing, while he is enjoying himself with JESUS. Though he loved being with his wife and loved ones and was blessed with a measure of success in this life, nothing compares to the joy he has now and it will never end. I am envious of Vince Garza and look forward to my end, so I can join him and JESUS in Heaven!

Another person who recently passed away was 90 and confined to a nursing home due to poor health and the pandemic. She used to look forward to coming to Church and seeing all the people who love her. I remember playfully chatting as I moved her frail body from her friend’s car to a wheel chair and back. We haven’t been able to see her since the pandemic began, but we kept her in our hearts and prayers. It was a joyful moment when I heard she is with her husband and JESUS and no longer restrained by age or infirmity. Yes I had some moments of grief, but that was for my loss. I am rejoicing because Sister Gladys Nasif has gained eternal life!

You too can look forward to your end because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV), but only if you believe in JESUS and are saved.

Wayne Lance (2020)