A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

I have been impressed with a young Minister’s zeal for the LORD as I followed her Facebook posts. While she battled COVID, she used the time to pray and seek GOD. In fact she spends a lot of time with Him. He wakes her up in the middle of the night and though she reminds Him she has to work the next day, she yields to the SPIRIT, prays and searches the Bible until she receives His messages. The message of pending doom, like the Prophets in the Old Testament, is not what she wants to tell the people, but she must obey!

I wouldn’t think her behavior so unusual if that was all she did and if she wasn’t an attractive, young, Chinese-American. Asian young people are under a lot of pressure to be successful. By her own words, her Christian friends are pursuing their lives and careers while she is pursuing JESUS. She left home and moved to Los Angeles in obedience, GOD gave her a job and told her what Church to attend. Besides hearing from GOD, she lays hands on the homeless and prays for their healing and deliverance, with miraculous results.

Battling stereotypes, she complained about men “hitting on” her when she posts messages the LORD gives her and “Christians” criticize what she is doing. Keep in mind, this atypical Timothy has a regular job, bills to pay and problems like the rest of us, lives in a pandemic hotspot, but while Churches are closed and so many are frozen by fear, she is attacking satanic strongholds. We could learn a lot from Laura Lu.

Even if we never have her zeal or follow her in ministry, we should listen to the message GOD is telling us. Troubled times are coming, it’s getting worse. Christians will turn away from the Faith because of persecution (2 Thes 2:3). The only way we will endure is if you “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine…without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:4-5 KJV). As the time of persecution draws near, we must draw closer to GOD and love our fallen neighbors even more. It’s a message that we have heard before and believe, but the “new message” is, the time is upon us! We don’t have time to play Church and fight amongst ourselves.

Whatever time we have left before the end comes, every day is “the end” for 150,000 people and most are facing eternal damnation (Mat 7:13-14)! Knowing that, how can we do anything but proclaim “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV)? But why that message, when they so desperately need help? They don’t need your religion or you doctrinal statement and the world certainly doesn’t have the answer or the power to help them. They need to know that GOD loves them and that He made a way for them to be saved. Not just salvation from the crisis of the day, but most importantly from their own sin!

Let’s join in with that “voice crying in the wilderness” and turn it into a chorus of the good news of JESUS CHRIST!

Wayne Lance (2021)