My prayer was put together while on my way to work in Vienna. I knew I needed to pray and while walking and while riding the bus or subway I came up with this prayer.
Parts of it come from the Bible, from preaching and teaching I’ve heard over the years, and from other prayers. In my prayer, I include my “family, friends and loved ones” to not leave anyone out. I didn’t want a “my four and no more” type prayer, but didn’t think I could sincerely pray for “everyone everywhere.” I added groups that relate to me, like military and diplomats (I was military/am a diplomat) in harm’s way. I kept adding until it covered the people and events in my life. For example: After my son-in-law was in a car wreck, I added blessings while traveling; similarly, when he lost his job, I prayed for “good jobs to provide for our families and glorify your name.”
Including ministers and missionaries, along with our leaders is in obedience to GOD’s word. After that I specify my immediate and extended family by name, adding “and their families” to shorten the list. Over the years I have gotten to remove names as they passed away. I then specifically prayed for myself. That covers a lot of people and some fall into several categories, but it still it seems like a self-centered prayer.
I want to pray without ceasing, but it seems like life gets in the way. Having to concentrate on other things, I look for prayer opportunities. Seeing a tragic news story, I pray for GOD to intervene; bad weather gets a prayer for protection over GOD’s people; hearing about a sick person and another prayer is sent. Though I can easily get distracted or let my mind wonder, trying to pray helps to keep my mind where it should be. It is harder to criticize or think bad thoughts while praying for someone.
For years I recited the prayer by memory, often waking up at night going through it until I fell back to sleep. Later I put it in my computer to help my unreliable memory. I printed a copy and posted it on our refrigerator and my wife started reading it as part of her devotional. That’s when it became “Our Prayer.” I picked key parts of the prayer and made a condensed version for when I am in a hurry. That is more practical than theological and I use it way too often.
I’m not sure if I will ever stop using this prayer. Hopefully it has helped me to pray better and remind me of my need for GOD’s grace and mercy. I know it has increased my faith as I’ve seen so many of the prayers answered.
Wayne Lance (2014)