My Feet Were Dry

I watched with interest from China as a typhoon passed through the Philippines. Seeing people wading through flooded streets on the news, my feet were dry and I complained about interrupted programming from our Philippine-based television channels.

Seeing news accounts of Christians being persecuted and dying for their faith in Iraq, I was annoyed when the Chinese Police showed up outside our Church service to check the documents of “us foreigners” and disturbed the mood of the service.

Famine and hunger have become common in many African countries, but I eat so much I need to watch my weight and go on diets to maintain my health.

A hurricane just wreaked havoc through a huge swath of Mexico. It destroyed homes, businesses and many lives along the way. My daughter and her family live in a new home, drive new cars and my son-in-law was recently promoted in a growing company.

Due to the slumping economy millions of people in the US have lost their jobs, benefits and many have given up hope of ever finding work. With all of that going on, we will soon comfortably retire from my government job at 58 years of age.

All this reminds me of the song “Why Me Lord?” The lyrics go on to ask the probing question “What have I done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known?” I can tell it wasn’t anything I have done. I’m not special or better than those folks in the midst of trouble. Does GOD love me more than them? Of course not! I am a Christian and GOD did promise to bless me, but so are many of the people in trouble. Why am I blessed more than they are?

I suggest I am blessed so I can be a “blesser.” My computer tells me “blesser” isn’t a word, but I define it as “a person who blesses” others. No I won’t give all my goods to the poor and take to the mission field (unless GOD clearly tells me to), but will be generous in giving. I will reach out to others in person and across the internet to be a witness. Sharing my “stories” is something GOD gave me to do. When we retire back in Texas, I want to help people that can’t afford to pay me. Last of all, which is really “first of all,” I will complain and get annoyed less and pray for those in the midst of trouble. Perhaps you can become a blesser if your feet are dry?

Wayne Lance (2014)