
On Sunday morning I saw a news story about Yazidi women who were kidnapped by ISIS militants. These Christian women were made slaves after their men were executed. Their only hope of release is to be bought by family members who escaped and now live in refugee camps.

The tragic story was on my mind as we attended the Filipino Church service that afternoon. I prayed for the captives but felt the need to tell the congregation about these slaves. Almost immediately it occurred to me that some of the people in our congregation or someone in their family might be facing a similar problem.

Though slavery isn’t always obvious, it exists in every country. People are held against their will, used and abused, forced into prostitution, and live under the worst conditions. Whether they are bound by chains, fear, poverty, or addiction they are slaves that must serve their masters. They don’t have the freedom to live as they want.

Another form of slavery may be less obvious, but is more devastating. That is slavery to sin. People are captured and held against their will, used and abused, and live under the worst conditions. They are spiritually bound by fear, doubt and unbelief. They are slaves that must serve their master. They don’t have the freedom to live as they want. After a lifetime as slaves to sin they will continue their misery in Hell.

The good news for these slaves, there is a sure way of escape. They don’t have to stay bound by sin. JESUS has already paid the price for their release and is waiting for them to accept His gift. Once they accept His cleansing power, their chains of bondage fall away and they are free from the power of sin and death. More than that, they can work for the release of others. This new-found freedom is only the beginning. After a lifetime of spiritual freedom they will live for all eternity in Heaven with JESUS.

Wayne Lance (2015)