Can We Just Disagree?

It was a post I knew some would like and some would hate, but I had to write what the LORD gave me. I normally like to write on current events or the news of the day, because so much information is available, but controversial subjects tend to push people away and some might not get to the Good News I’m trying to share. That’s why so many steer clear of these subjects. I wanted to write on something less controversial, but this one ran through my mind when I was trying to sleep. That’s how I came to write on the Critical Race Theory (CRT).

I covered the basic flaws of the theory that “all white people are racists,” that it promoted racism against white people and that radical corrections would follow the training. I likened CRT to what happened with the Defund the Police movement, and how they want to destroy the whole system to solve a limited problem. I even used my own mixed race family and that I know racism from growing up in the South, to show my credibility on the subject. I knew my words wouldn’t satisfy everyone, but I was trying to avoid a fight.

I posted my story as a comment on the K-Love, “Verse of the Day” page and a familiar detractor posted a harsh reply. No, she wasn’t profane, but when you are called “ignorant” on a Christian page it’s an attack. I tried to lower the emotional temperature by replying with a hope that we would soon get to the loving and forgiveness part, which was also in my story. She wanted to argue and I didn’t, because the “thief” would be the only winner.

I understand we won’t agree on everything and believe people can have different views on these subjects. Stating our positions with love and respect should show we are not of this world. There are even differences among Christians about what GOD tells us in the Bible. That’s why we have so many Denominations. We especially need some love when we discuss those kinds of differences. Our faith can be strengthened by sincere discussions and this is where we could shine, but seldom do. It shouldn’t be a battle, with the better debater or best strategy winning. If the intention isn’t to reveal the truth, the thief will be the only winner.

There are points you can’t just agree to disagree on, but when words will either draw men closer to GOD or push them away, you should know and prayerfully share the truth. If the goal is just to win, stay quiet and pray that GOD will open their eyes to the truth. If your heart is right, ask GOD what to say, when to say it and whether you should say anything at all.

When it comes to the foundational truths of the faith, like salvation by grace through faith in JESUS CHRIST (John 3:16), the inerrancy of the WORD, and the authority of GOD the FATHER, the SON (John 1:14) and the HOLY SPIRIT (John 14:26), it must be challenged. Anything less isn’t truth and can’t be conceded to, because “ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” John (8:32 KJV). Keep in mind, “the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance” (Rom 2:4 KJV) and that will draw them. If you hate men because you disagree, examine your heart, because “he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen” (John 4:20 KJV)?

Wayne Lance