Moved to Action

For the last few days the lead news story has been the murder of the Jordanian pilot. Known for their brutality and stage-managed executions, terrorists shocked the world again. Whether it was meant to frighten their enemies or to recruit new fighters, they drew everyone’s attention. This kind of brutality isn’t that uncommon, but somehow purposely displaying the horror makes it worse. Pictures in the news showed more than enough to convince me I didn’t want to see the video of the man being burned to death. I had no desire to see this poor man enduring even a few minutes of excruciating pain. We can only hope he lost consciousness and died quickly.

I was amazed at his apparent bravery as he faced unimaginable pain. Could it have been an act of defiance against his captors? Perhaps he didn’t want his family to see him break down? We will never know what was on his mind, but those images resulted in a previously reluctant Jordanian people rising up in anger against the terrorists. They were moved to action after seeing one of their own killed in this horrible way. Maybe they finally realized that ISIS is a danger to them and their loved ones. This shocking scene caused them to fight and may prevent even more deaths.

I am also amazed at how easily people dismiss the possibility that they could burn in Hell. For some it is defiance against authority, for others their pride won’t let them admit their need for a Savior. Is it possible people could be moved to action if they saw someone burning in Hell? Would showing that torment be an act of mercy? It’s not something anyone would want to see, but would it be enough to convince them both they and their loved ones are in danger? Seeing this horrible scene might cause them to seek the LORD and to tell others.

We don’t have a video of people burning in Hell, but the Bible tells us in vivid detail what will happen if we don’t accept GOD’s forgiveness. That scene won’t be over in a few minutes. It also tells of the love and mercy GOD has for us. GOD wants us to come to Him. He wants it so much He was moved to action. He sent His son to die for our sins, that we might become the sons of GOD.

Wayne Lance (2015)