As I heard of another loved one passing into eternity I am again reminded this life will eventually come to an end. It happened on the anniversary of my Mother’s passing and so I was already thinking along those lines.
The loss of Willie is close to home because he was about my age and was married to Susan’s cousin. That means he was included in my “family, friends, and loved ones” prayer. I only remember meeting him once, when we were in the Philippines. He was friendly and had a big smile. I enjoyed talking with him over lunch along with other family members. I know him more from seeing his regular posts on Facebook. I noticed more “religious” posts recently and I remember he was very happy when the Pope came to the Philippines. He stood along the street and was able to see him pass by.
I used to settle for a subtle witness through my annual family newsletters. Along with tales of our life overseas and family stories, I would include how GOD had blessed us, our family, friends, and loved ones. With the wonderful Missionaries and Christians we met, it was easy to come up with other great testimonies I wanted to share.
After my Mother passed away, followed shortly by the murder of a friend, I started writing and sharing “my stories” by e-mail and Facebook. The urgency of loved ones passing away pushed me to step out in faith. I am not a writer and I know many of the people my stories needed to reach are. At first my daughter, who has a minor in English, would proof-read my stories, but now I just send them out and correct the mistakes as I read them again. Yes, I read them again and again. I know GOD gave me these stories, because they minister to me more than anyone.
I hope my stories were a witness to Willie and a comfort to the family he leaves behind. Now that he is gone, I can’t do anything else for him. As long as GOD gives me the stories, I will keep writing and sending them out. Everyone needs to know “GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Wayne Lance