A Bad Dude!

He is one of those bigger-than-life characters you read about in books, see in action movies and on the evening news, with “Hero” connected to his name. He is the guy you want on your side if you are ever in a bad situation and pray he will never be your enemy! Who is this incredible person? We know him as Brother Randall.

You wouldn’t recognize who he once was if you saw him in South Texas, where big men are rather common. He could be a rancher or farmer, talking about chickens and driving a pickup truck. He further blends into the background at our small Church, as his big hands gently caress a tiny harmonica and beautiful music comes out. You might get an idea of his background from the stories he tells and get a glimpse of his heart as he tearfully shares GOD’s word.

So why doesn’t Brother Randall act like a modern-day John Wayne, confidently striding into a room and telling everyone how he saved the day? That’s because military conflict isn’t like in the movies. Being on the right side isn’t enough to wipe away the pain and suffering you’ve seen. Killing someone has an effect on you “unless you are a psychopath” according to Brother Randall. Losing friends and seeing innocent people killed and injured, will be with you forever. “Being the last one left in a country and praying they make it back in time to get you, does something to you” says Brother Randall. How he dealt with that is a big part of his story. He dealt with it through alcohol, anger and a tough-guy facade, but it took a toll on him and his family. He knew GOD, but didn’t turn to Him for help. He chose to handle it his way.

When his wife insisted on settling down, they moved to Texas. He’d done his part and it was time for a break, but the conflict didn’t end. He battled Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the side effects of dealing with it his way. Thankfully Brother Randall came back to the GOD he had run away from for so long. The way back was possible because, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” and “God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17 KJV). Brother Randall responded to that love and believed. He was marvelously saved and delivered from fear, anger and bitterness. He no longer needs alcohol to deal with his past, he has JESUS!

Brother Randall suffered another attack when his kidneys failed! He ended up on dialysis, which he would need for the rest of his life! Is that how this “American Hero’s” story ended? No way! The same JESUS, who died for our sins, also took stripes for our healing. Brother Randall prayed in faith for a healing and miraculously his kidneys started working again! He wouldn’t have to depend on dialysis to keep him alive, because he can depend on JESUS!

That is how that “Bad Dude” became the loving and compassionate man he is today! I would say Brother Randall is now a “Good Dude” but JESUS said “there is none good but one, that is, God” (Mat 19:17 KJV). In fact the “good” we now see in our Brother, is the righteousness of JESUS that lives inside of him!

Wayne Lance