A Pastor’s Heart

     I teased him taking a vacation at the beach, but I knew that wasn’t so.  He took our Heritage Christian Academy students to Junior Convention in Palacios, Texas.  As with most things Pastor Bob Middleton does, that wasn’t all he did.  He set up the sound system and worked out the bugs (always are) and was responsible for athletic competitions for all of the attending students.  He brought his son, Caleb to judge several events and has one of our teachers to watch over our students.  He endured five long days making sure everything goes as planned (never does), sleeping on a hard bed, eating whatever they served, and making sure our students are safe. 

     As if that wasn’t enough, he handled things back home, but how much could that be?  A lot!  The “Miracle Building” was delivered the day after he left!  He is so busy his staff should have handled that!  His “staff” (wife) was left to run the school alone, because the other teacher and her helper (Caleb) are with Pastor Bob!  Thankfully, some members of our small congregation stepped in and filled in some of the gaps, helping with the school and to usher the building in.  Because he cares, all that weighed on his mind.  He did what he could by phone when he could and also responded to people calling with their own needs.  Even with his busy schedule, he plans on making it back in time for our Friday Fellowship, which is held at his house.  That will leave him a day to rest (not likely) before Sunday Service, also at his house. 

     Won’t he get some down time after that?  Nope!  He will have the “Miracle Building” sitting behind his house, needing his attention.  How is it a “miracle” if it takes so much work?  Having the building relieves a huge financial burden off Pastor Bob and our small congregation!  There is a lot of work to complete so we can move in by the first of the year!  During that time, he is still a full-time Pastor, teacher and has his own family to care for.   

     Being saved sure is hard work!  Pastor Bob has been saved since the moment he accepted JESUS CHRIST as his Lord and Savior, at 22 years of age!  “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph 2:8-9 KJV).  He works because he has a Pastor’s heart and believes in Christian education!

     That’s his job, he’s a Pastor!  You can be a Pastor without starting a Church and a Christian School in your home, and you certainly don’t have to physically exhaust yourself serving others and being available at all hours.  He could even have a regular job to take care of himself and his family and only be a Pastor when it’s convenient or when someone else prepares everything, but that’s not our Pastor Bob.  When GOD called him to full time ministry, he was all in!  So why is he working so hard?  Because he “loves the Lord with all his heart, soul, and mind…and loves his neighbor as himself” (Mat 22:37-40 paraphrased).

     Great, he’s got it all covered!  Actually, JESUS said loving GOD and our neighbor is the greatest commandment and He didn’t limit it to Pastors.  You were commanded too!  GOD did His part when He “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV) and JESUS was “obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Phil 2:8 KJV).  Not it’s your turn to obey!

Wayne Lance