Where Was GOD?

     Last Sunday (2017), a heavily armed man walked into a small church service in Sutherland Springs, Texas and began shooting people.  Not even sparing the children, he only paused long enough to reload his weapon.  He left 26 people dead or dying and many others wounded.  Where was GOD when so many innocents lost their life?  Why were they not safe in His house?

    As the assailant left the Church, he exchanged gunfire with a local resident and was wounded.  The killer fled in his vehicle, with two local citizens chasing him at high speed.  The gunman lost control of his SUV and it came to a stop in a field.  He killed himself a short time later.  Where was GOD while all that was happening?

     That little town of 400 residents is far from populated areas, but it didn’t take long for help to arrive.  The police, ambulances and even helicopters brought much needed assistance for the wounded.  For some, it didn’t come soon enough. They died before help arrived.  Where was GOD as the life faded from His people?  How could they die in Church?

     As the wounded were evacuated and police secured the crime scene, only questions remained.  Family and friends wondered how they could lose so many of their loved ones. This is a small town, where everybody knows each other.  How could this have happened to Christian people, attending a Sunday morning service in their town?  The people did their part, but where was GOD in all this?

    GOD was right there with His people.  JESUS said “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Mat 28:20 KJV).   For 26 members of that congregation, “the end of the world” had come.  What better place to be than Church when your time comes?  GOD protected them when He “gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).   For those who “believed,” JESUS welcomed them into everlasting life.  They would want their grieving loved ones to join them in celebration.  They have made it! 

     As for the wounded survivors, GOD is with them and won’t leave.  He may have spared their lives because they weren’t saved or so they can be a witness to others.  Only GOD can heal their broken bodies and give them the “peace that passes understanding” they need right now.

     GOD continued to call the hate-filled gunman to the very end.  The man had to struggle with the Word he had heard.  The man had to reject GOD’s grace many times as he slipped deeper into the darkness of sin.  He had a chance to repent, even as he drew his last breath.  Surely GOD was with the men that bravely stepped in to bring that murderous rampage to an end.  

     So where is GOD now?  He is comforting the grieving loved ones and the emergency responders, who have to pick up the broken pieces of life. GOD is reaching out to you before your end comes.  He is knocking at the door of your heart and waiting to come in.  Believe in His Son and He will come in and won’t leave until He takes you to be with Him in Paradise. 

Wayne Lance (2017)