The anniversary of the tragic shooting at the Sutherland Springs Baptist Church brought back memories to some of us who were too close to the tragedy. No, I don’t attend that Church, but ours is just up the highway from it. People from our Church live in that area and know the victims. I can’t imagine the emotional scars left on the people who are part of that congregation. Some of the victims have both physical and emotional scars from that terrible day. With so many family, friends, and loved ones among the casualties, it will take a while for the wounds to heal and become only scars and memories.
That anniversary comes shortly after another one that is much closer to home. The anniversary of the murder of my next door neighbor was marked by the trial and conviction of his murderer. I prayed for the family who endured the fresh publicity and the public trial. The scars from that devastating night are still obvious as the widow and children live in the house where he died and carry on without their husband and father. Their house is directly behind ours and I occasionally see activity, a reminder of the scars left on that family. I’m sure the murderer’s family has scars of their own, seeing a family member sent to prison to pay his debt.
Other scars are not as obvious, but can be as painful. Fear can leave painful wounds and terrible scars on people. Rejection and failure can scar you for a lifetime if you let it. With broken relationships, the unseen casualties are many more. Drugs and alcohol are destroying lives and the collateral damage is everywhere. People are so damaged and scarred; they become defensive and self-centered. They don’t want any more pain.
They need a change and a new beginning! They need JESUS! Don’t just patch up the old man, replace him! The Bible says “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor 5:17 KJV). JESUS can take away the wounds, the pain and the scars.
Yes, I know many of the scarred people are Christians, but for those whose loved ones were saved, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21 KJV). Why are you still in mourning when your loved one is rejoicing in Heaven? Yes, it is human nature to miss them, but JESUS turns our “mourning into dancing” (Psalms 30:11 KJV) when we realize how much GOD loves us. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). When Christians are wounded, they need more JESUS and His love to take away the pain, heal the wounds. Then the scars are evidence of healed wounds!
There were tears when JESUS died on the cross, but joy when he was resurrected. His death and resurrection means our loved ones are resurrected too! His scars are reminders of the love that took Him to the cross. Yes there was pain and suffering, but His scars are trophies of His triumph over death, hell and the grave! Thank GOD for those scars!
Wayne Lance (2018)