I’m Not From Here

     I live in Beijing, China and see the impact the communist government has on every part of the people’s lives.  When the government wants to do something, they don’t have a public hearing, take a poll, put it to a vote, or ask for popular support.  They just go for it.  When they wanted to put on a show during the Olympics, they shut down all the factories surrounding Beijing, closed businesses and restricted traffic into the city.  They can and will do it again, whenever they want to.

     The government controls all information available to their people.  What they can’t control, they shutdown.  CNN and BBC are on local cable TV, but when a story comes on the government doesn’t like, the television goes dark and quiet until the story is finished. The Great Firewall of China prevents information from freely entering and leaving the country.  Few Chinese people have ever heard all the news. 

     Religion is controlled like everything else.  The government doesn’t even want GOD having more influence over people’s lives than they do.  When one popular Church strayed outside their “guidelines” it was torn down.  Foreigners can worship in their own services, but Chinese citizens can’t attend and it is illegal to minister to locals.

     The free market appears to have come to China, along with capitalism, but that is a façade.  Companies can do business in China as long as they submit themselves to Chinese control.  Their “fake” economy doesn’t always work and has to be propped up. The government will act or react to “fix” things.  It is amazing what you can do when you have all the power, make the rules (and can break them) with no complaints. 

     The Tianjin explosion is a recent example of a government “fix.”  They arrested some government officials and businessmen, and then rushed to put out a message that everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about.  The people didn’t believe them and many left the area.  Others demanded the government buy their homes that surround the disaster site.  They don’t trust their government, but the system doesn’t allow them to find their own solution. 

     You might ask why I would live in a place that has such control over my life.  The main reason is, I’m not from here.  I am only passing through, so the government’s policies have little effect on me.  My home is in the US and my money and source of income is unaffected by the local economy.  Another reason, I am a diplomat and have a job to do here in Beijing for my country.  Because of diplomatic immunity and the power of my government, I am protected from many of the government’s fixes.  I also have free and unobstructed access to news and information through the Embassy if I can’t get it at home.  My government looks out for my welfare and provides me with a safe place to live and work.  When my job here is complete, I am free to leave this country (and all its problems) and go home.       

     That is similar to my time in this world.  I’m not from here!  I am only passing through, so the world has little effect on me.  My home is in Heaven and my treasure is there and can’t be touched by the world or its systems.  Another reason is I belong to GOD and am here to do His will.  He watches over me and I walk in His power while I am here.  I also have free and unobstructed access to the truth of GOD’s word and can get it strait from Him when needed.  The best part is when my time here is over I will leave this world (and all its problems) and go to my home in Heaven.

Wayne Lance (2015)