Gone But Still With Us

     My boss just left again for a well-deserved month-long vacation in the US.  She is taking with her the knowledge and experience she gained from working many years in our job.  With her went the boundless energy and drive she has for doing a great job.  She also took the insight she has from many years of living and working in China.  She took her native-born command of the Chinese language as well.  The thing I will miss the most is the enthusiasm she brings with her to work every day.

     With all she took with her, she left me with the responsibility to support our huge diplomatic mission in Beijing, China.  Fortunately that is not all she left.  She left me a well-trained staff of professionals to help with the heavy workload we are faced with each day.  We also have checklists and operating procedures that my boss is well-known for and we have the high standards she asks of herself and us.  Besides all of that, she took her Blackberry and will keep an eye on us while she is away.  I can also ask her for help anytime I need it.  With all of that, it is almost like my boss is still here with us and I am so thankful for that.  The best thing she left was a promise to return.

     That is something like when Jesus left and went back to Heaven.  When He left, He took His wisdom, knowledge and understanding with Him.  His drive and determination went along also.  He took His close relationship with the Father that helped keep them on the right path.  His power to heal, to cast out demons, and to multiply the loaves and fish really helped in ministering to others.  All that went with Him when He left His followers.

     Even though Jesus took so much with Him, He left us with the responsibility to “Go unto all the world and preach the Gospel” (Mark 16:15).  Fortunately that’s not all He left.  He left us the power of the Holy Spirit to help us carry out our tasks and overcome Satan.  He left special gifts and capabilities to help us accomplish our assigned missions.  He left witnesses to show us that He can be trusted.  We also have the Bible so we can know GOD.  Besides, Jesus is keeping an eye on us and we can ask for help anytime we need it.  With all of that, it is like Jesus is still here with us.  Actually He is and I am so thankful for that.  The best thing He left was the payment for our sins and His promise to return.  

Wayne Lance  (2015)