Very Important People

     This week the news was filled with stories of the important people who are visiting the capital of the most powerful country in the world.  Millions have been spent on security and every move has been planned to make sure the visits are successful.  When people are greeted with this much fanfare by the President of the United States, they must be very important.

     The Pope was met as he came off the plane by the President, along with a large delegation of important people.  The Pope comes as the leader of one of the largest organized religions in the world.  Millions of people wait to catch a glimpse of him and hear what he has to say.  They hang on his every word and faithfully follow his lead.  Politicians are anxious to be seen paying their respects, even if they don’t respect his teachings.  Honors are offered as befits such a powerful leader, but his humility has made him even more of a celebrity.  He used this opportunity to draw attention the plight of the poor and the weak.  He spoke up for the vulnerable, but few important people will heed those words.

     The President of China was also given the honors due an important person.  As the leader of 1.3 billion people and the 2nd largest economy in the world, our government officials recognize the importance of this man.  He demands their respect and accepts the honors accorded him.  He sees the attention as a symbol of his own power and the status of his country.   Though many want to get something from him, he was not there to benefit others.  He came to get recognition for his country’s power and to throw his economic and military weight around.  Even on the US home turf, President Xi wanted something from his visit.  Though accused of cyber attacks on US computer networks, sanctions were delayed so as not to cast a shadow over his visit.  As one sign of his importance, he was driven up to the White House door, and personally greeted by the President. 

     Another powerful visitor came to the US capital, but his arrival wasn’t covered by the news media, warmly greeted by a large delegation or driven up to the White House.  In fact he wasn’t even welcomed by the powerful politicians.  Sometimes he is used as a prop during an election or mentioned in a speech, but most of the time he is shouted down or ignored.  His generosity is looked at with doubt and suspicion.  He is well-known, though his name is often taken in vain.  He isn’t hard to get access to; you can spend time with him whenever you want.  If the leaders gave him the honor he is due, they would fall down and worship at his feet.  Instead of taking revenge, He loved them so much He sacrificed His only son to die for their sins, so that whosoever believed in Him might be saved and welcomed into His Kingdom. 

Wayne Lance (2015)