Lesser Gods

     A co-worker showed me a picture of a famous guitarist and declared emphatically “This is god!” I replied, “You don’t have very high standards for your gods.”  I knew what he meant by his statement, but I don’t like people casually calling someone “god.”  This man was idolizing the musician for his talents and I was being invited to agree.  I am amazed that people glorify these “gods” while receiving little or nothing in return.  The guitarist, admired by my co-worker, didn’t know or care about his exuberant follower.  He just wanted the attention and the money for playing his music. 

     The world is full of these worshipers and many of them sincerely follow more traditional “gods” without seeing any change in their lives.  They sacrifice themselves, pray endless prayers, and spend their hard-earned (and sometimes limited) money in the hope they may get some benefit in this life or the next.  Some of these cruel “gods” don’t offer anything, not even hope. The Bible questions the worship of “idols” that can’t hear or speak.  Why would anyone worship a being that can’t or won’t help them? 

     In this have-it-your-way world, I see other people picking and choosing what they want from different “gods” and worshiping them when it is suits them.  Is that the way our worship should be?  What kind of “god” would let you select the part of them you will follow?  Are they not replacing “god” with themselves?

     I see similar problems on the internet where people post quotes from religions that follow “gods” they don’t believe in.  Posting a quote is giving honor to the author.  It implies that you give some credibility to the information and source.  Do we have the right to judge?  I say yes!  We have an obligation to judge ourselves and what we promote.  People are looking for a “god” to fill the god-shaped place in their heart.  You should be careful not to point them to a “lesser god” by honoring their words.

     You don’t have to settle for “lesser gods” but can have a personal relationship with the true and living GOD.  He is more than worthy of your worship because He “so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).  He wants you to follow Him, but He won’t let you pick the parts of Him you want.  He will give you the help you need to follow Him and forgiveness when you fail.  Get to know GOD by reading His word and spending time with Him.  You can have the peace that passes understanding in this life and look forward to spending an eternity with Him in Heaven.  It doesn’t stop with you.  Tell others the good news you have found so they don’t have to settle for “lesser gods.”

Wayne Lance