The Blessers

     Last Sunday the Filipino Congregation said goodbye to two more blessers, as they leave for a new life in Canada.  As a group of foreigners working in Beijing, this is a regular occurrence, but this sendoff was different.  These are people who got involved and made a difference in the ministry and lives in the Filipino community.  Susan and I are all too familiar with the pain of saying goodbye to dear friends.  

     One of these blessers was the longest continuous member of the Filipino congregation.  Beijing isn’t an easy place for Filipinos to live and work, but Pastor Arnel thrived in this difficult environment for the past 13 years.  A school teacher with ministry experience, he was an invaluable mentor to other lay-ministers.  His heart for the lost took him back to the Philippines to minister to suffering people after a super typhoon hit.  Arnel is a talented speaker, singer and athlete.  His personality made him a leader of the small group and caught the attention of another blesser.  He met Mercy (nicknamed Met-Met) and they married here.  She is a Nurse and has a GOD-given talent for leading worship.  She has a beautiful voice and a welcoming smile.  Met-Met is the spoonful of sugar that helps Arnel’s spiritual medicine go down. 

     These dear people will be missed for more than their talents and hard work.  We gathered after Church to fellowship and say more goodbyes.  After lively discussions about their life in Beijing, people went around the table in turn to “say grace” over the departing couple.  Everyone recounted how the couple blessed them and then spoke blessings over their future in Canada, with more than a few tears shed.  They had an impact on people’s lives.  One coworker and life-long friend of Arnel will deeply miss their daily time together.  Met-Met is separating from her sister for the first time ever, so there will be some heartache along with the joy of their new opportunities. 

     Yes the Filipino congregation and community will miss these blessers, but that isn’t the end of their impact on people’s lives.  As they pursue their dreams, there will be more lives to be touched and changed in Canada.  With so many talents, they will be welcomed additions to any ministry and fellowship.  The most important talent they have is to be living witnesses of GOD’s love.  That is because, “GOD so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish, but have everlasting life.”   (John 3:16).  If people don’t get that, nothing else matters.

Wayne Lance (2015)