Happy New Year?

     A new year is upon us.  News stories and the internet are filled with memorable events from the past year and hopes for the new one.  People announce their New Year’s resolutions, even as they admit they failed to keep last year’s.  Though it is just a date on the calendar, people see it as chance for a new beginning.  There is nothing wrong with being hopeful about the future, but if you keep doing the same thing, how can you expect different results?  

     Conventional wisdom says “there is no such thing as a free lunch.”  If you want to improve your life, you need to study harder, exercise more, work more and save more money.   It seems like great advice, but doesn’t guarantee things will get better.

     GOD has a different plan. He freely gave His son to give you everlasting life, accept Him; love GOD and you will become wise; exercise helps a little, but godliness will help you now and in the future; spend time with GOD and keep His word in your heart and He will give what you ask; and give to others and you will have an abundance.

     Follow GOD’s plan and your new year won’t just be “happy,” it will be “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph 3:20 KJV). 

Wayne Lance