Perfect Vision 20/20

The New Year brings predictions for the future and mixed emotions about the past. If previous predictions are any indication, most will miss the mark. Wouldn’t it be great to know the future, so you can act on that knowledge? That would give you an advantage over uncertain predictions.

If you knew the future, you wouldn’t have to fear. We want to know what is going to happen and how it will affect our lives. People consult fortune tellers in an attempt improve their chances of preparing for and possibly changing the future. Sadly they either get lied to or cheated by con artists who want to take advantage of their anxiety.

Companies use statistics of past actions to try and guess what will happen in the future. They don’t know, but make educated guesses. If they guess correctly it gives them a huge advantage. If they guess wrong, it can spell financial disaster.

What about you? Don’t you follow what worked for others? You don’t know what will happen, but it may work for you. If you are wise, you try to gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding, so you can improve your chances of success. Unfortunately, unexpected events happen, even to those who follow the best plans.

So what are we to do? We should follow the one who has the “perfect vision” of the future and most importantly, the one who loves you and wants you to succeed! GOD knows what the future holds and He has a great plan for you. He knew you needed a Savior, so “he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). JESUS knew you would get sick so “with his stripes we are healed” (Isa 53:5 KJV). JESUS knew you would need help and said, “the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things” (John 14:26 KJV).

But the World is falling apart! If GOD knows what will happen, why doesn’t He change it? GOD gives everyone the choice, but the WORLD is suffering from choosing the one who “cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10 KJV). Making the wrong choices have serious consequences. The lost are bound by sin and face eternal death. GOD gave you His WORD and “the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32 KJV), but you have to act on the truth and accept JESUS as your Savior. Choose JESUS and you will be safely in His hands forever.

If we are safe, why do Christians die? Paul said, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21 KJV). Death is not an end for Christians, but the beginning. So you shouldn’t fear death, but look forward to eternal life! With the fear of death, hell and the grave no longer weighing you down, with the WORD in your heart, GOD on your side and the power of the HOLY GHOST, you are ready to do great things for the LORD this year! You too will have a “perfect vision” in JESUS CHRIST!

Wayne Lance (2020)