There is a lot of talk about love these days. I have used the word myself to describe the taste of good food, a movie, or a place I visited. I said the word “love”, but really meant it gave me pleasure or enjoyment. Love, in its highest form indicates strong feelings for the benefit or wellbeing of another person or people.
I began to understand what love was when I wanted my mother to have a better life. I remembered that she sacrificed herself for me and that made me “love” her all the more. She had been sick so often that I prayed for her to be healthy, happy, and comfortable. When she enjoyed a simple pleasure like getting her hair done or eating good food, it made me happy for her. I know she also wanted good things for me.
When I got married, I thought for sure I was in love, but it seems my feelings were more about what I wanted and could get from my wife. After a rough beginning, love came as I began to think more about her benefit than my own. My life wasn’t all about me. Sometimes love meant I gave what was best for her, rather than what she wanted. I saw expressions of love from her when she saw I was stressed, tired, or discouraged. Since our resources have always been limited, we have both sacrificed at times, so we can have better things later on. Love has become even more important as we have gotten older and depended more on each other.
When my daughter was born in the Philippines, I thought love came as part of the package. I could play with her when she was happy and give her back when she needed something. My wife and in-laws took good care of her. It wasn’t until we went through hardship and she needed me that I truly began to love her. When we flew back to the US, I had a sick baby in my lap for that long flight. That was the first of many times when my daughter needed her Dad. Over the years we’ve been through a lot together and there wasn’t anyone else I would rather hang out with. I love her so much and that didn’t stop when she got married.
As our three grandchildren were born, we would fly back from overseas to spend time with them and enjoy being grandparents. Our love for them grew as they developed their own personalities. We suffered along with them when we heard they were sick and always kept them in our hearts and prayers. We prayed more as they went through the different phases and rejoiced when those prayers were answered. Yes, we love them very much and that won’t stop.
GOD did it a different way. “GOD so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We were part of that “world” before we loved Him. His love didn’t have to grow and He will only give what is best for us. His resources are not limited and neither is His love. His love draws us to Him and He will never leave us nor forsake us. He wants us to love others with His kind of love.
Wayne Lance