
     When I married Susan I became part of her family, with all of the benefits and obligations that go with it.  I was surprised at how my new Filipino family changed my life.  Having sisters-in-law was a tremendous change, having grown up with three brothers.  Susan is the eldest of five children, plus her parents, aunts and uncles and many cousins and I became “Kuya (brother) Wayne.  Susan’s family has always treated me like I am someone special.  Other Filipinos, wherever we lived around the world, also welcomed me and Susan and are so nice to me.  I have never felt worthy of the attention they paid me.  I wanted to tell them I wasn’t anyone special. 

     As the eldest child, Susan had the responsibility to care for her parents and help her younger siblings.  It took me a while to understand how deep seated those obligations were.  She saw it as a measure of her self-worth and eventually I saw it as a way to show my love and respect for her.  As our ability to help others grew, so did Susan’s generosity.  I have seen her compassion grow for family and to strangers we have met around the world.

     There is another family that I became part of a long time ago.  When I accepted JESUS, I became part of the family of GOD, with all the benefits and obligations that go with it.  I was surprised at how this new family changed my life.  I was accepted into the family of GOD and people around the world love me and call me Brother. 

     GOD treats me like I am someone special, but He is the one that is special.  “GOD so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).  I am included in that “whosoever” and He cleansed me from my sins the moment I accepted Him. The more I surrendered myself to Him, the more unmerited favor (grace) he gives to me.

     As a child of GOD, I have a responsibility to love others who are part of his family and even those who are not.  It took me a while to understand how important it was to show GOD’s love to others.  Eventually I understood it was a way I could show GOD how much I love Him.

Wayne Lance