Do those words make you think of romance, a close friend, or family member? Does it mean you love those people that come to mind? Do you get a warm feeling inside when you think of them, does it make you smile?
“Love” is defined as strong passion or affection. It is a word to describe a feeling or emotion. It sells a lot of cards, flowers and candle-lit dinners, but do those gifts truly indicate “strong passion or affection” or just what we are supposed to do to maintain a relationship? Do we love the person or what they can give to us? These days love is often used to describe physical attraction or desire.
Do we love our spouse, parents, or friends to stay on their good side or so we will be loved in return? Is that love or an exchange? A “Love” option is now on Facebook, and I try to use it only for extra special posts. Unfortunately, I feel like I am expected to “Love” what my “Friends” post and some of them will check after reading this to see if I “Liked” or “Loved” what they posted. I love them but may not love what they post.
My list of family, friends, and “loved” ones is pretty long, but is it more than just a list? Have I done anything with that love? I shared with them when I could. Sometimes it was because of love, but other times because it was expected. At times I didn’t give and that was love. No, I haven’t always gotten it right, but that won’t keep me from trying again. My love isn’t less because it isn’t accepted or didn’t have the intended effect. It is love because I want what is best for others. I am writing this story because I love you.
Why should we love others? Because GOD loved us so much, He “gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). JESUS said, “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 KJV). He was the gift that GOD “gave” us and He died on the cross to save us from our sin. That is love.
Wayne Lance