Something is different around our place. It has been unusually quiet, and it seems our apartment is bigger than it used to be. I have full use of the computer whenever I want it. No one is bugging me to get “their turn” or telling me to “hurry up.” I can watch anything I want on television with no complaints about too much news. When I come home after a long day at work, I have to spend time making dinner and then I have to clean up the kitchen. I still look forward to the weekends, but I don’t do anything and that makes the days drag on forever. I even find myself wandering around the house for no particular reason. Though I can take a nap whenever I want, I don’t seem to be able to sleep much. You see, Susan is on vacation in the Philippines, and I was left behind in Beijing.
Susan is on her last trip to Manila before we move back to Texas and retire. She may never return to the Philippines again, so she is staying a little longer. Susan’s cousin met her at the airport and is helping her get around. She is eating the food she loves so much and doing everything she can squeeze into 23 days. She was able to get tickets to see her favorite celebrities in a live television show. She is also getting a break from cooking and cleaning. Her sister and brother-in-law flew in from Texas, which is adding to her special time.
This is a well-deserved blessing for Susan. Though I miss her terribly and have to take care of myself, I don’t mind being left behind this time. I have always loved visiting the Philippines, but I needed to work, and Susan will enjoy herself more if she doesn’t have to look after me.
There is another trip coming and I don’t want to be left behind for that one. Nothing is more important than making that trip. Anyone who misses that one will regret it literally forever. I am sure I won’t be left behind because, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). I believed and won’t be left behind when Jesus comes to take us to Heaven.
Wayne Lance (2016)