When installing software on a computer it is common to use “the default” settings. This choice installs features most people want, it won’t interfere with other programs, and will meet most of the user’s needs. Because the default settings will install, with little or no user input, it is the easiest option. If you take the default settings, you won’t be criticized for trying something else. The best advice is normally to “take the default” settings.
The idea of taking the default has made its way into our daily lives. The one area where you shouldn’t take the default option is when it comes to sin. Yes, it is the most popular selection, and it won’t bother others, because most people made the same choice. You are already programmed for the default option, so it requires little effort. Because you were made that way, you won’t be criticized for “doing what comes natural.” Unfortunately, your default sin nature will lead you to destruction if you don’t change.
It is hard to change your nature and break away from the default. In fact, it is impossible! Thankfully you have a supernatural option. You can choose JESUS! He has already chosen you and died on the cross to save you from your sin default. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). You will still have to make the selection and go against ‘what everyone else is doing.” You will discover that JESUS is the best decision you ever made, and the benefits are eternal.
Wayne Lance