Happy Chinese New Year!

Here is Beijing we are celebrating Chinese New Year. It is a few days off from work for me, but Susan is traveling with “the largest human migration in history” as masses of Chinese people return to their hometown during this important Holiday. Deeply rooted in religion and tradition, they will have a reunion meal with their family. They will also participate in a number of rituals that include cleaning their houses, red paper decorations and fireworks to bring them good luck in the coming year.

Last night on the news I saw people telling their wishes for the New Year and preparing for their own celebrations. I could hear the barrage of fireworks in our neighborhood that continued late into the night. People had hopes of a future that will be better than their past.

This morning I looked outside to see the pollution had returned to Beijing. Watching the news, I saw the same problems continued both here in China and around the world. Yes, it is only the first day, but what difference had all of those rituals and good wishes made? Did the millions of “clean” houses and countless fireworks explosions change anything?

Some may indeed have a better year, but for most they will have the same problems as in the previous year. Looming economic problems, corruption, pollution and terrorism are questions they don’t seem to have the answers for. With a problem that is common for most of the world, they don’t even get the questions right.

They need wisdom to ask the right questions and “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” To find the right answers, you have to look to the one who has the answers. GOD has the answers. He also has the power to change not only your coming year but your eternity. The good news is He “so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Now that would make it a truly Happy New Year and that happiness would never end.

Wayne Lance (Jan 2015)