I have been living in Beijing for the last two years and this is the driest place I have ever lived. Beijing is located near the edge of the desert and normal weather patterns rarely bring us rain. The city has adapted to the dry conditions and seems to get along just fine without it. Recent heavy rains were very unusual and caused problems. There is little drainage in this “dry” city and the record rainfall caused severe flooding and claimed a number of lives. The rains caused a sinkhole to open up on the Embassy compound and they had to shut off the water in our massive facility. Even my normal short walk home became a water-covered obstacle course.
A series of unusual events have also occurred in Europe. A wave of terrorism swept across that normally safe destination. Europe was known for good food, beautiful places to see and enjoyable things to do. It was considered a place to get away from the trouble and violence that plagued other areas. Now terrorism has increasingly become their “new normal.”
The US has its share of unusual events. This election season can’t be called “more of the usual.” Our politics has always been a bit rowdy, but there were some standards of behavior that kept the candidates within the boundaries. This time it is hard to even find the boundaries if there are any left. While one candidate is making statements that would have gotten him thrown out in years past, the other was found to have recklessly handled our county’s most sensitive secrets. Even with their questionable behavior, both candidates are firmly positioned as their party’s nominees.
Another unusual event was when “GOD so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Yes, it happened 2000 years ago, but that is an unusual event for a god. Shouldn’t worshipers have to sacrifice themselves to earn the favor of their god? Shouldn’t the wrath of a god come down on his disobedient followers? That is the usual practice, but JESUS took the punishment we deserved and “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NIV). Now that was an unusual event.
Wayne Lance (2016)