A familiar face was in the news today. Not that I knew her personally, but I remember the intern who was murdered about the time I joined the Foreign Service. With my only daughter in college at the time I understood how devastating the loss must have been for the parents. The hopes and dreams of their only daughter were taken away in an instant and all they could hope for was justice. Someone had to pay for killing their precious child.
At first, the investigation was centered on the intern’s scandalous affair with a Congressman. That kept the story on the front pages until an illegal immigrant was arrested for the murder. Had the parents finally found justice? The murderer was caught, the Congressman’s political future was ruined, but did that give the family some measure of peace? The story dropped from the headlines, but I am sure the anguish of losing their daughter continued.
The parent’s wounds were opened anew when the charges against the murderer were dropped. The case had fallen apart. Was the man innocent or were they just unable to prove his guilt? Justice had been denied for the victim, along with whatever peace that might have given the family.
In so many cases justice won’t be found in this lifetime. Will justice lead us to peace? The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 NIV) and we will face justice and must pay the price. We don’t need justice, we need forgiveness.
Thankfully, “GOD so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). JESUS took our “justice” when He died on the cross and paid for our sins. That is the only way you can find peace. That is, “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Phil 4:7 KJV). No GOD and no peace. Know GOD and know peace.
Wayne Lance (2016)