As we were driving the 25 miles to Church last Sunday morning, it was a beautiful day. The skies were clear, and it was already hot, but the air conditioner took care of that. The radio was tuned to our favorite Christian station. Susan dozed beside me as her sisters chatted in the back seat. We would soon see our family and friends in Church. It all seemed so perfect, but I was distracted and irritated. Why was that? Was I sick or was there some terrible problem? No. We were running late!
Susan had taken longer to get ready that morning, so we left the house later than planned. As we drove through our neighborhood, the radio reception was briefly interrupted, and I wondered if that would happen every Sunday. When we stopped to pick up Susan’s sister, she took a while to come out.
I was trying to make up for our slow start, but we were delayed by several red lights on the way. Those lights had always been a sore point for me, so that ran through my mind. Along with everything else, we got behind slow-poke drivers and it added to my irritation. I was embarrassed to get to Church 10 minutes late and so I didn’t complain when we sat closer to the back.
I suddenly realized I had let those minor irritants interfere with what should have been an enjoyable drive. I wanted to get to Church on time, but we had worked overseas for years so we could return home and be with our family. We missed listening to Christian music on the radio, attending our Church and being with our family. Even Susan’s sisters attending Church was an answer to prayer. How could I let irritations interfere with dreams that were coming true?
That is like people who work hard to make a living, but let it interfere with them receiving eternal life. Their pursuit of wealth and power interferes with them becoming joint heirs with the SON OF GOD. Minor irritants keep them out of Church and away from GOD and can lead to everlasting misery! JESUS said “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Mat 11:29-30). Don’t let irritation interfere with your dreams and what GOD has for you.
Wayne Lance (2016)