The Disaster Plan

     My wife gets upset with me for speaking “doom and gloom” but for 40 years disaster planning was an important part of my job.  First in the military and later with the State Department, I had to figure out what bad things could happen, try to avoid them and plan to respond if they did happen.  That seems simple enough, until you have to compete with everyday life.

     Disaster planning and preparation isn’t a priority for most people.  They are more concerned with what is going on today.  It takes all their time to keep up with things that are happening, or they know will happen in the near future.  They don’t have time for what might happen someday.

     The plan isn’t that hard to write, but people need to know what is in the plan and what they have to do for it to be effective.  You have to convince people the plan is important.  With natural and man-made disasters around the world, it shouldn’t be too hard to convince people it could happen to them.   Getting people to read the plan and prepare can be frustrating but is essential.  A plan only “works” if people know and do what it says.    

     I retired from the Air Force and State Department, but I am still involved in disaster planning.  Actually, the plan was written from the foundations of the world and my job is to get it out to the people who desperately need to take action.  People don’t want to hear about “doom and gloom” so God gave me stories to write that tell people about His plan and how important it is for them to prepare.  With so many “disasters” around the world, it shouldn’t be too hard to convince people it can happen to them.  He gave me a way to share my stories with family, friends, and loved ones and with others who I will never meet.  Getting people to read the plan and prepare is frustrating, but essential.  The plan only “works” if people know and do what it says.

     This plan is more important than any other!  It isn’t a plan for what might happen, but to prevent a disaster that will happen if people don’t prepare.  The plan is “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV).”  More details can be found in the Bible, but if people reject God’s plan, their “disaster” will last for an eternity.  

Wayne Lance (2017)