My wife and I finished watching the last episode of a British television drama. I didn’t particularly like the series but watching it gave us something to do together. After several episodes I became familiar with the storyline and looked forward to seeing what would happen next. I also got to know the main characters and that created an emotional connection.
The main character was an older policeman, and his views were all too typical of secular Europe. Though he was often described as scruffy, they portrayed him as a ladies-man. In the last episode, he was getting married and said he felt happy. The series had the expected dramatic ending, but it also had something I didn’t expect and didn’t like. It had two endings.
When I watch a movie or television drama, I don’t want to pick the ending. I would rather they pick one, even if I don’t agree with their selection. It doesn’t seem right for me to get a choice in how their story ends.
I don’t feel the same about my own story and ending. I am so happy I have a choice in where I will spend eternity. How did I get to make that decision? “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Yes, GOD let me choose to believe and have everlasting life in Heaven or choose not to believe and have everlasting death in Hell. That was an easy choice for me.
Wayne Lance (2017)