Torn Jeans

     When I walked into Church (2016) I immediately noticed a big hole in the jeans of one of our worship leaders.  My first reaction was pity, but I quickly realized it was meant to be a fashion statement.   The young lady didn’t have to wear torn jeans.  She probably went to a lot of trouble and expense to get just the right look.  It was a kind of fake poverty that was in style at the time.  One store is selling jeans with fake mud on them. 

     I am kind of “old school” and want real wear and tear on my jeans and dirt that comes from my own work.  I think of it like people who didn’t serve in the military but wear old military uniform items.  They didn’t earn the right to the uniform; they just paid money for it. 

     Why do people want to look like something they are not?  Many people claim to be Christians but have never accepted Christ as their Savior or let Him change their life.  They are fakes.  Their act might cost them some time and money, but it won’t do them any good.  In fact, it may keep them from seeking help.  As time passes, they become lulled into a false sense of security, but they are living heartbeats away from an eternity in Hell.

     One who isn’t a fake is GOD.  He “so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV).  He went beyond words of love and sacrificed His own son.  He deserves all honor and glory!

     Another who isn’t a fake is JESUS CHRIST!  He took real stripes on His back for our healing.  He lived a sinless life and became a worthy sacrifice for our sins.  He shed His precious blood to wash away our sins and the nail prints on his hands and feet are real.  He is worthy of our highest praise!

Wayne Lance