As I wrote this story a singer on the radio (K-LOVE) asks GOD to do something about people living in poverty, slavery, and misery. GOD said, “I did, I created you!” That call to action and sense of frustration is what I felt this week.
I post my “Good News to Share” stories on mostly Christian FB pages to remind, challenge, and encourage Christians into “doing something.” One thing I want them to do is share my stories! I don’t get anything from the “Likes and Shares” other than more opportunities to minister. I have had hundreds of positive responses to my stories and was encouraged to keep writing. That is why I was so surprised at some of the resistance I got.
I was accused of spamming one page after posting just one story. A minister told me I was disrespectful for posting a story after her “sermon.” Another man threatened to report me for harassment. His page looked nicer than his harsh words. Those pages have small audiences, so taking them off my posting list wasn’t a big a deal to me, but what about the people who view their pages?
Some “Christian” pages have thousands of followers but haven’t posted anything in months. I hoped my stories would revive some of those ministries that are larger than most Churches. Others post little Christian content. One such page was directed towards women and had some gardening pictures, but the spiritual posts stopped months ago. I was called rude for posting on that page and told to stop.
Yes, people can post whatever they want on their FB page, and they might not like my stories, but this is an emergency! Who would react like that if they saw people falling into a fiery pit? They wouldn’t worry about propriety and would cry out for others to help them. They would try anything to save people from a fiery death. Witnessing to people through social media just might lead someone to JESUS and save them from an eternity in Hell. If it was only one soul it would be an emergency, but 150,000 people die every day and most don’t know JESUS as their Savior. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). He gave so much, maybe it is worth a little time and maybe some space on your FB page? You might even want to share some Good News on somebody else’s page? After all, it is an emergency!
Wayne Lance (2017)