The world is full of tales of human suffering and misery caused by a lack of opportunity. Some seek the opportunity education might bring or they just want to find a job and make a living. In many cases it looks like money could bring opportunity if there was enough. In some places they want the freedom to create their own opportunity. History is full of examples of great opportunities that have not led to great results.
One example is Iraq. That country was freed from the clutches of a brutal dictator at great human and financial costs. Their dictator was defeated, but the Iraqi people are failing to take advantage of their great opportunity. Though they have tremendous natural resources, and a well-trained and well-equipped military, internal political and religious strife is crushing their opportunity.
Another example is Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the future of that country looked bright. With highly educated people, abundant natural resources, and many countries willing to help, their opportunities looked endless. Soon after vast oil and gas reserves were opened by foreign companies Russia returned to the “Soviet way” of doing business. Their political process was controlled; foreign investor’s assets were taken over; and Russia began taking aggressive military action. Now the Russian people’s opportunities are once again limited by their government.
In fairness to these other two examples, the US, with our rights and freedoms, gave opportunities in our early history for Christianity to flourish, but now sin is protected, and Christians are being persecuted. We are told to keep our beliefs to ourselves, while having sin forced into our lives. It seems the opportunities we once had as a nation have been lost and we are beginning to pay the price.
We just finished celebrating Easter and were reminded what those three days mean to us. JESUS died on the cross to save us from our sins. Three days later He rose from the dead, a witness to His victory over death, Hell, and the grave. At great personal sacrifice, JESUS provided us a great opportunity.
Now what? It is the greatest unrealized opportunity unless we personally accept His wonderful gift. We can pray that others take advantage of this opportunity also, but we must accept JESUS and be saved from our own sin. More than that, we become joint heirs with JESUS in the Kingdom of GOD. What a great opportunity that is!
Wayne Lance