Born Again?

     Our Pastor is kind of peculiar.  He is very active and engaged for an 88-year-old.  Given the opportunity, he will ask if you have been born again.  He may be dressed in suit or work clothes, but you can see him praying for his food in the restaurant or praying for the sick in public.  He doesn’t mind you watching.  Maybe you will join in?

     He was raised in a Christian home but didn’t accept JESUS until he was 40 years old.  His wife’s Church didn’t teach salvation, so he didn’t get saved there.  He accepted JESUS while driving to work in his pickup truck.  That changed him from a drinking, cussing, Church member, to a born again radical.  He began reading his Bible with a child-like faith and found much more his Church hadn’t told him about.

     When he was diagnosed with a tumor and was told surgery would leave him a vegetable, he declared “the LORD will remove the tumor without an operation.”  His Church didn’t believe in that, so the LORD sent him to another one to get prayed for and healed.  When he told his Church about his miracle healing, they said he was no longer welcome in their fellowship. 

     He doesn’t have a theological degree, but GOD called him to preach.  He started holding services in his garage, sharing his testimony and the WORD of GOD.  He presented the salvation message and people accepted the LORD and were born again.  He prayed for the sick and the LORD healed them.    He and his wife have been doing that for over 40 years and founded a Church and Christian school.  His congregation isn’t large, but the Church building couldn’t hold all the people whose lives have been touched by that ministry.  For many years he was on television and had a jail ministry.

     Why does Pastor Moore keep saying “you must be born again?”  Couldn’t he say something a little less controversial?  His fellow Pastors, with their degrees, are his harshest critics.  A religious leader also questioned when JESUS said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3 KJV).  That religious leader wondered how it was possible, just like they do today.  JESUS was talking about their spirit and questioned, “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?” (John 3:10 KJV).  I suppose they still don’t know, because one questioned how Pastor Moore got saved in his pickup truck.  The Pastor of a big Church insisted he must have been listening to a message on the radio, but he wasn’t.  Jesus said, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).  Yes, it is miraculous, but simple.  Accept JESUS CHRIST as your Savior and you too can be born again.  Pastor Moore keeps repeating that message and taking the heat, because “you must be born again” or you will spend an eternity in Hell.

Wayne Lance (2018)