I occasionally see posts from an organization that supports Christians in Iran. They relay stories of Christians facing persecution, imprisonment, and even death because of their faith. When these dear people come to know JESUS, they must share their newfound faith. Some are saved while living or working outside their country, and return to Iran, knowing the danger they will face. In Hebrews it says “Ye have not yet resisted unto blood” but they have and some unto death. I wonder if I would have come to JESUS if the price was that high!
They don’t want to suffer, but they don’t want their family and friends to die without JESUS. We had a baptismal service for Iranians in our Church in Europe and were told to not post pictures of them on Facebook because it could put them in danger. It made me wonder how many of us would join them if it put us in danger.
In China there are few Churches, so people may walk miles to attend services and some Churches are “underground” to avoid government controls. Because there aren’t enough Bibles, many will memorize entire books. That’s how one Christin was able to receive scriptures while she was in prison for her faith. I lived in China for two years and never witnessed to a local citizen because I was told it wasn’t allowed by the Chinese government. I might be kicked out of the country by my employer, the U.S. Embassy. Shame on me!
How does that apply to me? We have freedom of religion and can worship as we please! Oh really? Did you attend Church when the government restricted in-person services due to COVID? It could happen again, and your boldness could mean the difference between eternal life and death for someone. How many people are afraid to witness to others for fear of being laughed at or embarrassed? What about praying for a friend or coworker who is going through a hard time? Not a vague cliché of your intention but offering to pray for them then and there. You may get turned down, but they might agree. It could leave a lasting impression on them and those who see what you are doing. An answered prayer might change their life and bring them and their family to JESUS. If you won’t act now because of embarrassment, what will happen when it gets worse? It will get worse! Are you willing to “resist unto blood” even if it’s yours?
Now Brother, we don’t want to get radical. Are you sure? You may be right about some who won’t attend Church if it’s too hot, too cold, the seats aren’t soft, the music doesn’t suit them, or they have something important to do. Surely that isn’t you? Is your own family saved? No, you can’t make them get saved but “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16 KJV). That’s the preacher’s job! That same verse says “pray one for another” so your prayers can make a difference. We are told to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6 KJV) so you can have a big impact on your children’s eternal destiny. Maybe we need to get a little radical?
GOD did His part when “he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV) and JESUS “resisted unto blood” to save us from eternal death. Maybe we can suffer a little for Him and our loved ones?
Wayne Lance (2022) – That’s Good News to Share!