News And Improved?

I recently went to the hospital Emergency Room when I was experiencing chills and fever along with muscle and body aches which sounded like COVID. My expired home test said I was OK, but I didn’t want to harm others. As soon as I arrived, they began running tests. Hours later, the Doctors told me I didn’t have COVID, but a urinary infection and they would admit me for treatment. That news wasn’t surprising with my pain. They hadn’t fed me for 12 hours, but I struggled to get a little beef broth and coffee down. With chills and fever continuing, pain increasing and nausea nagging me, sleep was my only escape. With great care and prayers from my biological and Church family I was relieved to be released after three days. Not healed, but healing, the hospital was an improvement when I needed it, but I was going home!

Home is what I needed. Food I love, soft toilet paper, boxes of Kleenex tissues, and my loving wife of 43 years to meet my every need! Well, most of that is true. We are blessed to have good food as I tried to get rid of my nausea and the hospital toilet paper and tissues can’t compare to ours. My dear wife will help me as much as I need but is hoping I can help her with a few things. At least I will have Facebook to keep my mind distracted while I heal.

After getting home, a shower, a plate of snacks and listening to a few complaints from my wife, I finally sat down at my computer to relax and work. I was out for 3 days and had a lot of catching up to do! Facebook (Windows version) welcomed me with an update notice! There was no way to opt out, so I stumbled on, skipping the tour of the “New and Improved” features, and was shocked to find they had changed a lot. I struggled to find basic functions. I made it to my “Good News to Share” page and tried to add a post and it hung up. I didn’t need this! I closed Facebook (Windows) and opened Facebook (Chrome) which wasn’t “New and Improved” (yet) and still worked. I keep hoping Facebook will get enough complaints so they rollback these “New and Improved” changes that are not working and fix some of their problems. Unfortunately, like our government, they aren’t asking us just doing what they want for their reasons, and we suffer the consequences!

Thankfully GOD doesn’t need to be “Improved” because He is perfect (Mat 5:48). His plan won’t need to be fixed because it’s ever settled in heaven (Psa 119:89) and JESUS, “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 3:8 KJV) wasn’t the “New and Improved” version, but the original plan. The cross wasn’t a failure but the completion of GOD’s plan of salvation. What about Heb 8:7 that says, “if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second” isn’t that a correction? That was part of the plan. The Old Covenant proved that we couldn’t be good enough by ourselves. GOD knew we needed a Savior right from the beginning. The Jews should have recognized JESUS as the fulfillment of GOD’s plan, but they held on to their religion.

We are the ones who need to be “New and Improved” and JESUS said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6 KJV). Believe Him, receive Him and you will become “a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor 5:17 KJV).

Wayne Lance (2022) – That’s Good News to Share!