Have you heard that something special happened at Asbury University in Kentucky? What began as a Chapel service in that small Christian college, turned into an unending move of the HOLY SPIRIT. Students didn’t want to leave, classes were canceled, the word spread, and others flocked in to see what was happening and to experience this move of GOD. Groups are coming from other colleges and towns to be part of this significant spiritual event.
Called a “Revival” by many, it isn’t what you might expect. No big-name speakers, no special music, and not an organized event, unless you count the crowd control efforts outside the chapel. The old building isn’t equipped to handle the throngs that keep coming. Where are the soft chairs, coffee in the lobby and the powerful sound systems? Nothing but faith, a hunger for more or at least a fair amount of curiosity drew in crowds that outnumbered the college population, made them stay and kept them coming back for more.
Now in its 11th day, there are plans to relocate off the campus. The administrators and managers are concerned about safety, security, or the student’s education, as if GOD wasn’t on their schedule or wouldn’t take care of them. Perhaps the Fire Marshall voiced concerns? Will the HOLY SPIRIT follow the plan and be managed?
Fortunately, the movement has spread to other locations. People came, received, and took their hunger and thirst for more back home. Just the pictures and first-hand accounts have created a wave of excitement across the nation and overseas. Despite what we see as the decline of Christianity in the world, there remains a remnant who want more of GOD!
Now back to the question, if it’s happening at Asbury University, why not here? The HOLY SPIRIT will operate wherever it is welcome because “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mat 18:20 KJV). Wait a minute, we have Church services with far more than two or three, but JESUS didn’t show up, or I didn’t recognize Him. Since GOD’s WORD is true, something else must be wrong.
Did you bring JESUS with you? JESUS said, “He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5 KJV), so if you want JESUS in your service, bring HIM. If you don’t “ye can do nothing.” Would you recognize JESUS if He showed up? Have you spent enough time in prayer and the WORD to get to know Him. JESUS is the WORD (John 1:14 KJV).
He wouldn’t physically show up, it would be His SPIRIT. Yes, JESUS said, “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you” (John 16:7 KJV). Would the HOLY SPIRIT be welcome in your service? If He is, enter GOD’s presence and “revival” or an “awakening” can happen at any time you are willing and open. When it happens, the word will get around and people will come to see, to feel, or to experience a move of GOD. Hearts and lives will be changed and most importantly, souls will be saved from eternal damnation! It’s not the place, but GOD!
Wayne Lance (Feb 2023) – That’s Good News to Share!