Bad Company

I am guilty of looking up to these people because I thought they were good examples of what others should be like. It seemed like they were compassionate, caring, and reasonable people, but either I was wrong, or they have drastically changed. They must have elected bad people to run their country! Many looked to them as what we should strive for, but I can see they aren’t good role models now. Who are these fallen people? Our northern neighbors!

How could you criticize them when they are doing so good? Many of our (U.S.) people saw their healthcare system as the model we should be following, but then I talked to a someone from there. Their medical system is 20 years behind the U.S. and has severe limits on care. If you need an operation, it gets reviewed by a board to see if you are worth the expense. If you pass that, you go on a waiting list. Can’t they buy health insurance or pay for better care? National healthcare is the only option, and you pay for it, or you get nothing. What about emergency care if you don’t pay into the system? Without an eligibility card in your possession, they won’t treat you and you can die in the hospital entrance. That is hard to believe! It gets much worse.

The government will help you commit suicide! That’s compassion for terminally ill patients who are in chronic pain. Is it really? What about the mentally ill and handicapped children, is that compassion? They must value life more than that! Really, then why do they offer suicide assistance to people who are too poor to live in dignity? Where is the Christian outrage, how could they let them treat innocent people like that! Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals” (1 Cor 15:33 ESV) and entertaining sin has taken its toll. That’s how we (U.S.) let abortion become legal in this country. That’s different, that’s protecting a woman’s rights! We voted to allow women to kill their innocent baby to protect her own body or lifestyle, and that’s better than allowing suffering people to end their own life? But she has a right to live! What right does the baby have, when they vote to burn or dissect it in the womb or not care for it after it comes out? Once you start voting on the value of life, there is no end. Next, we will be killing other burdens on our society, like people we disagree with.

How can you determine the value of life? By what someone is willing to pay for it. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Mothers used to sacrifice their lives for their children and society valued and protected both mothers and children. The sick and infirmed were cared for whether they liked it or not. Now we let them live in squalor, addiction, and filth because it’s their right. People were protected from the horrors of drug addiction for their own good, but now we legalize and tax drugs, ignoring the damage it’s doing. GOD help us!

We don’t need more religion! I agree, we need more JESUS because “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” and the underlying problem is sin. JESUS wants to punish us for our sin? No, JESUS already took the punishment we deserve, and He offers us new life! JESUS wants us to live for Him so we can be good enough? That won’t work! JESUS said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6 KJV) and He will make you “good enough!”

Wayne Lance (2023) – That’s Good News to Share!