A Believer in Hell

How could this have happened? I knew it would happen to sinners, but I believed. I‘ve always believed in GOD, Heaven and Hell. I believed in Hell, but even my belief didn’t come close to the horror of this place. The never-ending agony that covers every inch of my body is something I couldn’t have endured for seconds during my natural life. My body would have reacted and my mind would have shut down to protect my sanity. Now I can endure it because I have no choice. I won’t pass out, won’t go into shock, or lose my mind and will never die. With a body that will never die, and a mind that won’t miss a detail, I will know every painful second.

Time, that’s another casualty of this place. I always thought of eternity in numbers, like a thousand, ten thousand or a million years. That is wrong. Time doesn’t matter in eternity. This will never end! When thousands of years have passed or millions, my stay here won’t be any closer to an end, because there is no end!

Adding to my never-ending torment was the first one I saw. The first of the many people I led here or didn’t stop from coming. I pulled them away from their loving GOD, with my soothing words that kept them from asking for forgiveness. I knew their sins were wrong, but comforted them and said it will be alright, GOD will understand. HE didn’t… and now they are here. An eternal reminder of what I had done to them, as if I could ever forget.

Another torment is what I missed by coming here. I missed Heaven. As this place is worse than I could ever have imagined, I know that Heaven is better than I could imagine and more. I know those who accepted JESUS are with our loving FATHER who will show them what real love is. Time doesn’t matter there either. They won’t feel anxious, bored or lonely. GOD’s love will carry them in everlasting joy. I have family, friends and loved ones enjoying that place and I could have been there too. Some people that I didn’t think would make it, accepted JESUS and are now in Heaven. I am not. I am in Hell.

GOD loved me so much HE gave HIS son, to keep me from this place. HE didn’t want me to come here; this place wasn’t meant for me. I knew about GOD’s forgiveness, but never asked HIM to forgive me. How could I respond to a salvation message? I was a respected member of the Church and everyone thought I was saved. I was a good person and lived a good life. My family and friends are all Christians. I thought I was saved, though I never accepted JESUS as my Savior.

I worried about the end of the world, the coming tribulation and figured I would be taken in the Rapture “some day.” The end of my world came like a thief in the night. I suddenly found myself before the throne of judgment. I didn’t cry out in anguish or protest my innocence. It was all perfectly clear. I knew I was guilty and was getting what I deserved. I hung my head in shame as my life was shown for all to see. I paid no attention to the room full of onlookers. I knew the GOD who loved me so much and JESUS who died to save me from this judgment were judging me for the sin I had not asked them to forgive. All I could do is kneel before them and accept the final verdict. “Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you.” Even as I was taken away and cast into the lake of fire, the pain of being on the wrong side of righteous judgment seared my heart more than the flames that burned my body. The pain from the flames was so overwhelming; it was a brief distraction from my heartache. I instinctively screamed in agony but soon realized it gave no relief. Why scream? No one would hear my cries and end my suffering. No more mercy, no more grace, no more chances. I will never leave this place. There is a huge entrance to Hell but there is no way out.

Wayne Lance