Violence continues in major cities across the US and it’s hard to understand. What began with peaceful protests demanding justice and equality has turned into stealing, killing and destruction. The radical ideas I hear repeated have nothing to do with justice or equality. Calls to defund the Police are heard in places where violent anarchists are supported by local politicians. Crime is exploding in cities where Police funding has been reduced or the Police have been told to back off. Local business owners, still reeling from the effects of the Wuhan virus are under siege and struggling to survive. Surely there is a better deal than this?
So what do they want? The white policeman whose action started this is in jail, along with his white, black and Asian co-defendants. It seems like justice will be served, unless the crowds disagree with the outcome. Do they want revenge instead of justice? They had overwhelming support for change when this all began, but some of that support was lost when hatred for the Police surfaced. Widespread stealing, killing and destruction alienated even more supporters.
Some have suggested reparations for slavery, but their economic skills must be lacking. Besides higher taxes that would kill our economy, it would also further divide our country. Did you own slaves or want to pay for those who did? Not all whites owned slaves or supported slavery back then and some slave owners were black. So who would pay and get paid? Do decedents from non-slave States have to pay and do free blacks pay or collect? Do immigrants who came after slavery pay or collect? Mixed race people would have to both pay and collect. While we are at it, we must add women, Native Americans, Mexicans, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Irish and other previously oppressed groups to the list. I was poor and mistreated by blacks and whites, so do I get something? We are after justice and equality, right? If we could pay for all that, do we get a refund for benefits previously given? That doesn’t sound like a good deal!
It seems reparations would be too costly and complicated, so maybe we should forgive that debt? What! Why forgive them when we’ve been wronged? One reason is “if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Mat 6:14-15 KJV). But their wrongs hurt generations of my family! Do you realize how long eternity will be? Anger, bitterness and hatred are killing us all, so love, mercy and forgiveness are better deals.
So how can we find peace in the midst of this storm? Look to the cross of JESUS CHRIST! “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” “God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16 KJV). When you get a glimpse of how much GOD loves you and the price He paid for your sins, how can you not forgive those who sinned against you? But how can we change those who treat us wrong? You might want to introduce them to the GOD who changed you!
Wayne Lance (2020)