Why do they make such a big deal about Easter? The Sunday before and the week leading up to Easter Sunday are bigger than Christmas in many countries. Here in the US, special events are scheduled all week. My sister-in-law said a lot of businesses will be closed on Easter Sunday, so we should make plans to eat at home.
Could it be the colorful eggs and chocolate bunnies that make Easter so important? Perhaps the baskets filled with treats and toys for the kids are the big deal? What about the Easter outfits the ladies will wear to Church on Sunday? People spend a lot of money on “stuff” for Easter, so it must be important? Getting “stuff” is nice, but I don’t think that is why Easter is a big deal.
Holy Week began with JESUS riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. People praised Him and religious leaders criticized. It was called a triumphant entry, though JESUS knew He was going to His death. That was a big deal.
Another important event was the Last Supper. This was so important we were specifically told to remember it. JESUS shared bread that symbolized the beating He would take for our healing. The wine was to remind us of the blood He would shed for our salvation. He knew what was about to happen and told His disciples so they could tell others. After the supper He prayed in such anguish that drops of blood fell from His brow. Those were all big deals.
When soldiers came to take Him, He submitted to His FATHER’S will, not their brutal force. The religious leaders mocked and beat Him. They turned Him over to their enemy, demanding the same blood He willingly gave to save them. He was savagely beaten to heal us. His sinless blood was shed to wipe away our filthy sins. He died on a cruel cross that we might live with Him in Heaven. Those were really big deals.
They laid Him in a borrowed tomb and on the third day He came out in power and victory. He triumphed over death, Hell, and the grave. He did it because “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV).” Now it’s your turn to make a big deal of Easter. Because it is!
Wayne Lance