I read a review of a small Christian school on Google, where a parent, who said she was a teacher, criticized the school her son had attended. Even with her credentials and the self-study courses students’ use, she complained that her child wasn’t getting a good education. She criticized the teachers and the Administration, but didn’t mention anything she contributed to the effort. I thought I might offer some suggestions on how to make a great Christian school.
Regularly attend a Bible-believing Church as a family to show your children that GOD is important in your life. Never criticize the Pastor or any of the ministries of the Church out of respect for GOD’s anointed ministers and pray for them often. Respectfully request clarification or explanation if you think there is a problem. Respond to requests for help and give your time and money joyfully. Your children will notice!
Live your faith at home and encourage your children to join in. Have a family devotion time and make it a priority. It is important that your children see you studying the Bible and praying. Pray about even minor problems, it will build your faith and theirs. Be a Christian example for your children by the television programs and movies you watch and allow them to watch. Pray over your children before they leave for school and pray for their teachers.
Make sure your children are healthy, well-fed, rested and ready to learn during school hours. Limit absenteeism to real emergencies and necessary appointments. Clean bodies and uniforms will help students function better, and school supplies and a nutritious lunch will keep the focus on learning. Participate in school events when possible and meet with teachers when asked.
Check on assignments and notes from your child’s teacher when they get out of school. Let teachers know you support them and want feedback, even if it’s bad news. Make time for homework and be ready to help, but don’t do their work. Don’t allow play or other chores to interfere with their studies. Completed assignments help students keep up with learning goals.
Maybe you are asking where the changes in the school come in? The school curriculum is an internationally recognized, self-study and self-paced program, so the teachers are mostly there to keep the children on track and occasionally help troubled and confused students. Since it is a Christian school, Chapel services, prayer and learning Bible scriptures are included in the schedule. With preparing the student’s for Parent Teacher nights, Regional and International Convention and Awards and Graduation night, they have a packed schedule. If you want to volunteer, they could sure use your help!
So why choose a Christian school, if I have to participate so much? So your children will learn that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). If we all do our part, it is more likely that they will accept JESUS as their Lord and Savior and not go to Hell. Working together we can “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6 KJV) and they can thrive in a loving and GOD-fearing environment.
Wayne Lance (2019)