A Great Gift

Our daughter and son-in-law just gave us a great gift. It isn’t the price they paid, though I know it was expensive. I wouldn’t have asked them to get it for us, because they have three children and many other loved ones to buy gifts for. I loved the gift because it was so thoughtful and was exactly what we needed.

What was this wonderful gift? It was a set of floor mats that will protect the carpet in my car. My carpet and matching floor mats are black, and I struggled to keep them clean. To make things worse, our daughter lives out in the country and whenever I pick up my grandchildren for Church, they track sand, mud and grass burs into my car. I knew it was a losing battle, so I just had to live with the mess and clean it whenever I could.

We had a house full of visitors when they gave the gift, so I put the box safely in my garage. After our visitors left, we relaxed for a few days and then began cleaning up our house from the holidays. One thing after another kept me from unpacking that great gift, and so my black carpets continued to get dirty, and my car was still hard to keep clean. My wife even had me take her shopping in my car, so hers wouldn’t get dirty.

I had been given a great gift, which was the answer to my problem, but it was still in the box. One thing I discovered after getting the great gift. It didn’t do me any good until I put them in my car. Once I did, my black carpets were protected, and the car was easy to clean. I would no longer have to worry as much about what those little feet tracked into my car.

That is something like the great gift our HEAVENLY FATHER gave us. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). It wasn’t the cost of the gift, though it was more than I could ever repay, and I would never have asked GOD to sacrifice His only Son. I love the gift because it shows how much GOD loves me and because I need it so desperately!

His gift paid for my sins and allowed me to become part of His family! It saved me from an eternity in hell and assured me of an eternity with Him in Heaven. His gift allows me to call upon His power whenever I am in need. It heals all my infirmities and casts out my diseases. His gift gave me a Savior who not only died for me but will never leave me nor forsake me.

So why doesn’t everyone have the benefits of this great gift? They Have never taken it out of the box! Inside the box (Bible), it’s still the greatest gift ever known to mankind. It still cost more than we could ever pay, and we had no right to ask for it. It still shows how much GOD loves you and you still need it so desperately.

You need to open the box! Until you do, you still owe a debt for your sin and it keeps you from joining His family. When you die you will spend an eternity in hell, instead of Heaven. You don’t have access to GOD’s power now and His stripes won’t heal you. You are not saved and when you die, JESUS will be your judge. While you are still living you can open the box and accept the greatest gift from the greatest giver! Go ahead and open that box right now!

Wayne Lance (2020) That’s Good News to Share!